Our Vision
Embrace the transformative power of healing and awareness. Join us on our journey to uncover the hidden wounds and inspire a path towards wholeness. Together, we are breaking barriers and nurturing a community that promotes growth, understanding, and compassion. Unveil the scars of violence and work to repair the effects of acid attacks.
Our Mission
CERESAV USA Inc’s mission is to support efforts in Uganda to amplify the voices of survivors of acid attack violence and their families against gender-based violence. We are committed to supporting CERESAV Uganda’s mission to address the issue of acid attacks and gender-based violence on a global level by establishing collaborations for resource mobilization, partnerships with state and non-state actors in the implementation of GBV policies, approaches, and methodologies to stop acid attacks specifically and gender based violence in general.

Who We Are
Stands Against Acid Violence
CERESAV USA, Inc is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit and an affiliate of CERESAV Uganda. Our mission is to support over decade long efforts of a small but mighty, committed and passionate nongovernment organization, CERESAV Uganda based in Kampala the capital city of a small land locked country, Uganda, found in the eastern region of the African continent. The incorporation of CERESAV USA was inspired by the dedication and unwavering passion of a group of volunteers with diverse background and talents – knowing that together we can make a difference to rebuild lives of acid attack survivors across Uganda.